Become a CEC Presenter or Provider

The NPCP approves Continuing Education workshops for CECs throughout the year. Approvals are valid for one year from the date of approval.
Please DO NOT upload your documentation as screenshots as this will delay the process.

CECs eligible for approval must fall into one of 2 categories:

1) Pilates content

Pilates content workshops must be taught by a NCPT who has been teaching clients for a minimum of 5 years and has been teaching Pilates workshops to teachers for a minimum of 1 year.

2) Complementary content

Allied Modalities

Allied modality workshops support the certificant by broadening their skill set beyond the Pilates paradigm. These workshops include topics such as:

  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Biomechanics
  • Kinesiology
  • Movement, etc.

Allied Modality workshops must be taught by a licensed healthcare professional, or an individual that provides evidence of mastery of the subject matter presented.

The subject matter must fit within the presenter’s scope of experience/knowledge and be applied appropriately to the Pilates professional’s Scope of Practice.

Industry Development

Industry Development workshops are intended to enhance the Pilates teacher’s understanding of the structures inherent within established professions. Presenters should identify established norms and focus on those established elements that commonly define an industry. These workshops must be taught by individuals with field experience in:

  • Third party certification
  • Professional associations
  • Accreditation
  • Licensing development

The subject matter must fit within the presenter’s scope of experience/knowledge and be applied appropriately to the Pilates professional’s Scope of Practice.

Business Development

Business development workshops address the skills necessary to maintain a productive Pilates studio. Subjects like those listed below will be considered:

  • Business administration
  • Marketing
  • Networking
  • IT support
  • Bookkeeping
  • Accounting

This coursework must be taught by a presenter that holds a degree, (a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree), in business administration, finance, accounting, or have 5 plus years of experience as a business owner or administrator.

Prices (these prices apply to renewals as well)
Live Workshops

CEC Count Price
1 - 3 CECs $30
4 - 8 CECs $60
9+ CECs $80
Distance Workshops

Workshop Price
Each Workshop $100

Conference Workshops

Workshop Count
1 - 20 Workshops $300
21 - 40 Workshops $500
41+ Workshops $600


The online application will prompt you to identify the following information.

  • Type of provider: Hosts, Presenters or Conferences

    • Host: An owner of a physical or virtual (online) space that hosts workshops. The workshops must be taught by the presenter(s) identified on the application.

    • Presenter: The person presenting the workshop. If approved, the approval is valid anywhere the presenter offers the workshop during the approved year.

    • Conference: Events that offer multiple workshops (live).

  • Delivery method: Live or Distance Learning (requires submission of presentation and a quiz)

  • Category of workshops: Pilates Content or Complementary

    • Pilates content

    • Complementary content
      • Allied Modalities
      • Industry Development
      • Business Development

Note: Please allow 30 days for CEC Application processing.


Continuing Education Provider Appeals Process

If a workshop application is denied, the applicant may appeal. Appeals must be made in writing to the Continuing Education Coordinator at [email protected]. The Certification Manager reviews all appeals. Appeals are processed within 30 days upon receipt of all required documentation. Once reviewed, the Certification Manager will render a decision. All decisions are deemed final, each course may only be appealed once, and all fees are non-refundable. The applicant is notified of the decision via phone or email. If a denial is reversed, the Provider’s approval will be considered in effect from the original date of application submission.

Start your application